Romano: his idea to get together… Diego: his effort to make it happen…
R&D teamwork
Romano Discacciati
…was born in the 40ies in Rovellasca (CO), Italy. He has accomplished so much and lived so many adventures in his life that they cannot be condensed in a list here. Regretfully Romano lost his battle with cancer on April, 26, 2018. Even if we cannot see his warm smile, nor enjoy his wit and wisdom, he will always be with us in a different way. His legacy carries on, his star shines brighter than ever leading us as he always did.
…was born in the 70ies in Milan Italy. He hasn’t done much yet, and the few things he is responsible for, are better not to be reported here!!! Everybody loves him, and some people want him so badly that are ready to pay to have him dead or alive. His domicile is nowadays unknown…
This is for pleasure only, it’s not a business. Terms and conditions. Please read.
Once upon a time … C’era una volta…
Once upon a time … C’era una volta…
Discacciati (de’ Scacciati ),
definitely a surname of Tuscan origin, could represent the first dynasty
of Rovellasca. These people are supposed to be Guelph from Lucca or
Lucchesia. It is possible that a group of people, whose original surname
has been lost,was forced to leave Lucca after their party lost control
of the town. In the year 1300, when something like this happened, you
would be considered fortunate to have all your properties confiscated,
or to be sent into exile but have your life spared.
One or more of them left Lucca
in a hurry on a chariot stuffed with a few of their belongings, hiding
probably also a ” precious cross” . They wandered about the country for a
while , in search of a quiet place to settle down , and arrived to the
present location of Rovellasca.
All Italian surnames end in a vowel and many of them have been derived from a descriptive nickname. Even after hereditary surnames had become the rule in Italy, descriptive nicknames were often passed from one generation to another and gradually replaced the hereditary surname.
Orgoglio ed onore furono in gioco, ad esempio, nella rivendicazione della “paternita'” per quello che era e che e’ il legno piu’ sacro in paese: il Crocifisso ospitato nella chiesa parrocchiale almeno dal tempo in cui il sacerdote Paolo de’ Stefanetti inizió a prendersi cura delle anime (1571), ma con ogni probabilitá presente in Rovellasca da ancor piu’ anni e generazioni. Nessuno, é vero, sostenne essere il Crocifisso di sua proprieta’, e nessuno compí azioni spregevoli – la cosa, quantomeno, non risulta – pur di “conquistare” quell’opera che tutti adoravano. Ma per lungo tempo vi fu chi tentó di far riconoscere alla propria famiglia il merito sommo per la presenza di tale capolavoro, trattandosi in effetti di un gioiello dell’arte oltre che di un emblema per la fede collettiva.In questo modo, peró, non abbiamo risolto i problemi di fondo che sono proprii di ogni lavoro uscito dalle mani dell’uomo: lo scultore mostró qualita’ notevoli nel dar forma ai legni, ma e’ possibile risalire al suo nome? E che cosa fa a Rovellasca questa scultura, ovvero come arrivó qui un’opera pregevole per qualita’ ed impressionante per l’impatto che essa provoca in colui che si fermi anche per un solo attimo ad ammirarla?In assenza di documenti ufficiali (lo stesso monsignor Luigi Corti, oggi prevosto in Rovellasca, constata che <negli archivi parrocchiali non c’é nulla che sia precedente al 1571>), le risposte sono ambivalenti seppure caratterizzate da un alto indice di probabilita’. Pressoche’ certa e’ ad esempio l’attribuzione del Crocifisso a Taddeo di Bartolo, artista di prima grandezza come sa chiunque abbia avuto occasione di visitare la Pinacoteca di Volterra, dove proprio a Taddeo di Bartolo – vissuto dal 1362 al 1422 – sono dedicate piu’ sale. Ora, un Taddeo di Bartolo dovrebbe stare a questa chiesa parrocchiale (e ci si perdoni l’equazione forzata) come un Pablo Picasso sta alla raccolta privata di un collezionatore di “croste”. Al che rieccoci al secondo quesito: Come e quando arrivó?C’é, a questo proposito, una tradizione suggestiva delle prime famiglie insediatesi a Rovellasca. Qual’é l’unico ceppo sicuramente venuto dallaToscana? I Discacciati, ovviamente, o meglio ancora quegli “ignoti” – la loro casata di origine ci é sconosciuta – che dovettero abbandonare Lucca avendo sostenuto il partito poi soccombente e che assunsero per l’appunto il cognome de’ Scacciati. Ebbene, tradizione vuole che il Crocifisso sia giunto a Rovellasca insieme alle poche proprieta’ che i de’ Scacciati poterono portare con se’. Dell’opera sarebbe piu’ tardi stato fatto dono alla parrocchia – ovvero alla comunita’ – in segno di ringraziamento per l’accoglienza ricevuta; ottima accoglienza, si ha a credere, se ‘e vero che il radicamento dei Discacciati divenne talmente forte da consentire loro di venire considerati come gli autentici “indigeni” di Rovellasca. Se si tratti di mito – ed invero di un bellissimo mito, soggetto tuttavia a qualche critica – oppure d’altro non siamo in grado di giudicare. Verissimo e’ pero’ un fatto: il Crocifisso fu attestato come presente a Rovellasca nel 16.o secolo, e gia’ da tempo come oggetto di adorazione da parte delle genti di ogni dove qui convenute.
Tratto dal libro “Cosí era Rovellasca”, edito dal Comune di Rovellasca e curato da Massimo Soncini
Story of a Crucifix…
Pride and honour were at stake in the claim for the “paternity” of what was and still is the holiest rood in town: the crucifix hosted in the parish church since priest Paolo De’ Stefanetti began taking care of the souls of the town (1571), but extremely likely to have been in Rovellasca for generations and generations. Nobody claimed to own the crucifix, to say the truth, and nobody – at least that’s what is known – behaved recklessly to “conquer” that work of art everybody adored. But many tried to make their families have the merit for the presence in town of such an important work of art, which is not only an art masterpiece but also an emblem of the faith of all. This way, we still have not solved the basic problem, characteristic of any work shaped by man hands: the sculptor revealed remarkable ability in shaping wood, but is it possible for us to go back to his name? And how did this notable sculpture come to Rovellasca, a sculpture that ravishes the look of everyone stops to take a glance at it? Since official documents lack, (Monsignor Luigi Corti himself, today’s parish priest in Rovellasca, states that “no document in the parish archives is dated before 1571), no answer is sure but many are likely. Almost sure, for example, is the attribution of the crucifix to Taddeo di Bartolo, one of the most important artists of his time, who lived between 1362 and 1422, whom many of the rooms in the Pinacoteca di Volterra are dedicated to. Taddeo di Bartolo is to this parish church (sorry for this forced equation) as Pablo Picasso is to the private collection of a collector of daubs. Here we come back to the second question: how and when did the crucifix come to Rovellasca?
On this subject, there is a suggestive tradition about the first families that settled in the town. Which was the only family branch to be bound to come from Tuscany? The Discacciati, or better, those “unknown” – their origin lineage is unknown to us – who were forced to leave Lucca because of their support to the losing party and took the name of de’ Scacciati (the chased away). According to the tradition, the Crucifix came to Rovellasca with the poor substance the Discacciati were allowed to take away. They then gave the crucifix to the parish – that is to say the Community – as a present to thank them for their generous welcome: we must believe they were warmly welcomed if it is true that the rooting of the Discacciati became as strong as to make them be regarded as the true native family branch in Rovellasca.
We cannot say if it is only a myth – nevertheless a beautiful myth, although sometimes criticized. One thing is true, however: the crucifix was given as a present to Rovellasca in the 16th century and was, and still is, adored by everyone who sees it, wherever it comes from.
Passage from the book “Cosi’ era Rovellasca” by Massimo Soncini sponsored by the Township of Rovellasca. English traslation by the courtesy of Danilo Discacciati, Como
…more about these “unknowns”…
Ing. Clemente Discacciati of Milano and Natale Discacciati of Rovellasca sent us some more details on our family name and history:
Famiglia antichissima Lucchese che trasse la sua origine dalla casa dei Quartigiani. Nei primi anni del 1300 per fuggire i tumulti popolari dovettero, come gli altri consorti dei Quartigiani, ricoverarsi a Cremona e furono fra quelli sbandati dallo “Statuto Popolare” dal 1308. Cosi’ essendo Guelfi non poterono rientrare quando Lucca venne in mano di Crastuccio. Vuolsi che per le varie vicende, questa famiglia abbia preso il cognome dei “Discacciati” che tramandarono alla propria discendenza. Furono i Discacciati molto ragguardevoli in patria ed altrove, vantando molti distinti personaggi.
vecchio stemma
Rovellasca is 240 meters
above sea level, has an area of 3.4 square kilometers, and 6000
inhabitants. 25 driving minutes from Milano, 10 minutes from Como, and
15 minutes from the Swiss border. Advanced textile and furniture
Rovellasca is the”home”
for the Discacciatis, who are sharing the town with other families, such
as Cattaneo, Carugati, Clerici, Moltrasio, etc.
The Mayor is Mr. Sergio Zauli.
The Roman Catholic Church is represented by Don Natalino Pedrana