

Has been developed to determine where Discacciati families have migrated and where they live throughout the world today. I guess there are 200 estimated households with a total estimated population of 600.

Argentina11 records found
Brazil120 records found
France6 records found
Germany1 record found
Italy119 records found
Switzerland1 record found
USA5 records found
Click on the country name to see the detail, or check the entire list at the following link: Global Listing. Records are sorted by Region, City and Name

It seems that several families, not listed in this Registry, are in Brazil and… Barbacena is in Brazil the equivalent of Rovellasca in Italy.

An updated list of Brazilian Discacciati is welcome, as well as any other update you think, could help the accuracy of our Registry.

It is our policy to preserve the rights of individuals requesting privacy. In compliance, we have removed their names and addresses from the Discacciati International Registry. The list is a public list as it appears in telephone books and city directories.

CONTACT US with your comments or suggestions.

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